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Serving Christ in the Community


Baptism and confirmation

Baptism (sometimes also known as Christening) marks entry into the Christian Church, of which the Methodist Church is part. The Methodist Church, like most denominations, baptises both adults and young children.

How do we go about it?

Parents wishing to have their child baptised should contact the minister, who will be able to explain the arrangements. Many parents undertake a number of instruction sessions. The minister can also be contacted via the church office.

Do different denominations have different baptisms?

There is one baptism, which is recognized by all the mainstream churches that baptise infants, including the Methodist Church and the Church of England.

Can you be baptised as a child and as an adult?

In the Methodist Church baptism as an infant would normally be followed by confirmation and reception into membership at the point where the person wishes to take on the commitment and responsibility of Christian discipleship for themselves, and to play a full part in the life of the Church.

What is confirmation?

The confirmation service reminds us that we are baptised and that God continues to be at work in our lives. We respond by affirming that we belong to Christ and to the whole people of God. When someone is confirmed they are also received into membership of the Methodist Church and take their place in the local congregation.

Confirmation takes place during a celebration of Holy Communion.

Someone who was not baptised as a child can be both baptised and confirmed on the same occasion.

Page last updated: Thursday 17th November 2022 5:07 PM
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