Chancel window roundelCarshalton

Serving Christ in the Community

There are 5 photo albums.

  • Noah's Ark mural (14 photos)

    These photos, taken by the Revd Philip Richter, show details from David Palmer's mural that decorates our Pre-School entrance staircase.

    Noah's Ark mural

  • Christmas Tree Festival 2019 (20 photos)

    Trees decorated by their sponsors were enjoyed during our Christmas Tree Festival, and at all our services during the Christmas season. Festival events included concerts by the Salvation Army Songsters and the Wandle Ringers, a Ceilidh and a Quiz Night.

    Salvation Army concert

  • Jazz Vespers (9 photos)

    Dan Forshaw and his band rehearsing for the Jazz Vespers circuit service held at our church on Sunday 28 April 2019 at 6.30 pm.


  • Organ refurbishment (9 photos)

    Photos taken by Nigel Laflin and Paul Waton whilst repairing and refurbishing the organ. Work started in September 2018. Photos will be added to this album as the work proceeds.

    Newly re-leathered Swell pallet motors

  • Easter Experience (15 photos)

    Easter Experience uses drama to tell the story of Holy Week to local junior school children. The actors are drawn from a number of local churches with some audience members participating as extras. These photos were taken at the public preview performance on Sunday 6 March 2016.

    Jesus at his trial

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