Chancel window roundelCarshalton

Serving Christ in the Community

Coffee mornings

Coffee morning team June 2019Our occasional coffee mornings often have a particular focus such as an interesting speaker or a table-top sale. They are a good way to meet people and to find out about other activities that take place here.

Unless stated otherwise, coffee mornings are held in the church from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon. Special events, such as the Christmas shopping morning, are open for longer. Admission is free, with tea, coffee, squash and cakes at very modest prices.

If there is a talk, it normally starts at 10.30 am. Please check the church calendar for details.

Saturday 14 September

10.00 am - 12.00 noon

Fairtrade coffee morning

This annual event coincides with Fairtrade Fortnight, which begins on Monday 9 September.

Enjoy Fairtrade refreshments and find out more about Fairtrade. Fairtrade products will be on sale, and there will also be a video and a quiz.

Read more about Fairtrade

Fairtrade at 30

Future coffee mornings

Saturday 19 October – Shoebox packing party

Saturday 16 November – Christmas shopping event (10.00 am - 2.00 pm)

To receive news of all our special events join our mailing list

Our 2019 Christmas shopping morning
Our Christmas shopping morning, November 2019
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