3rd Carshalton (Methodist) Scout Group
Providing fun, friendship, and adventure to young people since 1953. The Beaver, Cub and Scout sections meet on church premises on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, respectively.
A Rocha UK
A Rocha UK is a Christian charity working for the protection and restoration of the natural world and committed to equipping Christians and churches in the UK to care for the environment. Our church is participating in its Eco Church scheme.
ArtServe is a movement of people discovering and reflecting God’s creative gifts shared among us, so that God is known more fully and lives are transformed.
Bible (NIV 2011) - Bible Gateway
This is the version of the Bible we normally use in church. Click Book List to navigate.
Carshalton Camera Club
The Camera Club meets in the Lower Park Hall on Mondays at 8.00 pm. Its aims are to promote interest and active participation in all aspects of still photography.
Carshalton Choral Society
The Choral Society meets in the Ruskin Hall on Mondays at 8.00 pm. Founded in 1946 with the aim of promoting and performing a wide variety of music, it has over 100 members and gives four concerts per year.
Churches in Sutton
A listing of all Christian churches in the London Borough of Sutton, with basic information about each church including service times, contact details, and style of worship.
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
All Christian churches and denominations have the same basic calling – to worship God, to share the good news about Jesus Christ, and to work for the good of all people. CTBI emphasises the Churches being in pilgrimage together on the journey towards full visible unity.
Fairtrade Foundation
Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers. We aspire to become a Fairtrade church.
The national website for Girlguiding. The 6th Carshalton units meet on our church premises - the Rainbows on Mondays, and the Brownies and Guides on Thursdays.
Grayes Theatre Arts
This long-establish dance school operates on our church site.
Joint Public Issues Team
The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) is made up of the Baptist Union, the Church of Scotland, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church, working together for peace and justice.
London District of the Methodist Church
The Methodist District of which our Sutton Circuit forms a part.
Magnet magazine
Magnet is a resource magazine produced by a team of volunteer editors. Each issue seeks to nurture Christian faith in thoughtful, challenging ways, encouraging, enabling and equipping people of all faith traditions.
Methodist Church email newsletters
The Methodist Church produces various free newsletters including: The Week Ahead, The Buzz, Singing the Faith Plus news, and World Church Newsletter. Sign up here.
Methodist Church in Britain
The national website of the British Methodist Church.
Methodist Women in Britain
Methodist Women in Britain is a movement within the Methodist Church, which aims to connect women with an interest in creative spirituality and a passion for global social justice.
Nickel Support
A Carshalton-based not-for-profit community interest organisation supporting adults with learning disabilities by offering them real-life opportunities.
Pennyroyal Clog Dancers
Pennyroyal is a traditional clog stepping dance group based in Carshalton. They meet in the Ruskin Hall on Tuesday evenings.
Prison Advice and Care Trust
The Prisoners' Families and Friends Service is now part of Pact. It provides practical help and support for prisoners' children and families. We support this charity each December through gifts received at our 'toy' service.